Sunday, November 16, 2008

Two Finished

After a whole lot more sanding w/ 600 and 1000 grit. I just noticed in the photo that I missed the front radius on the feather. Oh, well, it's done, and not really a glaring error. I'm taking off a few points for minor wood errors and 4 for the botched finger notch. I give myself a 92 overall for that one. The dagger turned out really well; the lines, fit, and symmetry are good, the front cleaned up well. The wood could have been shaped a little better.

Ugly finger notch and slightly mismatched wood - 92 out of 100. I need a belt sander with a small diameter roller, about two inches.

Only minor blemishes and slight lack of finish (which I could still do, in theory), so I'll take off a couple of points, plus two very small detail flaws for a 96 on this one.

What not to do.

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