Thursday, November 13, 2008

Forward Motion (a little, maybe)

I went nuts with the glue gun today. After I finally got the hang of making scales to rough fit, I made sides for two more of the damascus blades, "bolster dagger" that looks like a thrower, and "lum's boot", a simple curving skinner. The one on top is called a "classic modified", which I must have gotten previously, probably from SMKW, and had put a quickey handle on, after ruining a big block of ebony while I was teaching myself how to make scales. I was smart enough not to glue it so now that I'm getting a little better, I can put it in the project pile. I don't know yet how to use the less-than-full tang design, so I need to do some googling for ideas. I saw where one guy drills out antler and just glues it on, which I may try.

I had my first knife ready to pin and glue, but I couldn't find anything nice so I used welding rod for the pins. It only took about a half hour to make a pair of sides for the boot knife, (I'm getting pretty good with the router and bandsaw) and about an hour for the dagger. I wanted to try it without pins, so I glued the sides with 5-min epoxy (you're supposed to use the longer-setting kind, but they only had about 10 varieties of the quick-set), and just pushed the pieces to look right with the vise loosely clamped, and clamped harder after the epoxy started to set. I can't hardly wait to see if it worked, but if it didn't I can whip up another PDQ

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