Monday, November 17, 2008

Boot Knife Done

These are what I've finished so far. The boot knife actually came out better than I thought it would. I gouged it out too far and hit a rivet hole, then compounded the blemish by gouging it out some more until I realized what I was doing. So now it's cut too deep, with a noticeable flaw in the bottom, but I tried to compensate by getting the shaping and sanding as close to perfect as I could.
I also nicked the blade edge almost in the middle with the belt sander. It might be fixed by sharpening, but I don't think I'm that good, so it's done. I'm taking off 5 points for hitting the edge, and 5 more for hitting the pin hole and there is a little too much metal on the belly, which I might be able to correct with the belt sander. The wood turned out almost perfect; I think I'm really getting the hang of it. I'm quicker and more accurate, anyway.
The blade looks good in spite of my clumsiness, so I give this guy about 88 out of 100.

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