Friday, October 31, 2008

Welcome to the Bandaid Box - Help Yourselves

I'm not a blade smith, this is just a hobby that my wife does not like. (Why don't they ever figure out that this just makes it more attractive?) I've done some knife making, largely because I have a lot of woodworking and automotive tools; sanders grinders and stuff. Mostly I made various machetes and choppers out of lawnmower blades. I like to grind metal; it's sort of destructive and constructive at the same time. Not going to grind any steel on this project though, because I'm using almost-done except for the handle, hand-forged damascus blanks. I'm cartoon crazy for damascus. I even like to (and sometimes do) just look at the little swiggles and bumps that sometimes look like alien circuit boards and sometimes like martian/egyptian script trying to warn me to always cut away from my hands.

I'm starting to make four relatively high-end knives using Damascus USA blanks. Awhile back I got a grab-bag of blades and assorted knife parts from SMKW, from which I made about 5 presentable finished knives and about twenty ugly ones which are my favorites, that I call the "Cell Block Collection" cause they look so genuinely hand-made. Plus I can misuse them and do everything you're not supposed to - pry, hammer, chop, throw etc. (sorry Dad!). Since I want to include a lot of photos of the builds, These above are the four I got from Charlton. I'll post the cell block collection when I can get them all together.

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